Jackson County Jail Records Guide and Codes
This is a commonly used list of codes for jail lodgings and processing in court records at the Jackson County Jail, in Medford, Oregon.
Court Codes
ADM = Ashland Municipal
MFC = Circuit Court
MFM = Medford Municipal
SCJ = Southern County Justice
ROC = Drug Court
Charge Type Codes
ADM Bed = Ashland Municipal Pays
CMT= Commitment
Cust Viol = Custody Violator
FTRJ = Fail to Report to Jail
Fugitive = Out of State Warrant
MFM Bed =Medford Municipal pays
OCD= Oregon Correction Department
OCW = Out of County Warrant
PC= Probable Cause
PO = Process Only
PV = Probation Violation
Sanc = Sanction
SPB = State Parole Board
WRT = Warrant
Police Agency Codes
ADP = Ashland
BFP = Butte Falls
CPP= Central Point
EPP = Eagle Point
JKP = Jacksonville
MFN = Parole & Probation
MFO = State Police
MFP = Medford
MFS = Sheriff
PXP = Phoenix
RRP = Rogue River
TAP = Talent
USM = United States Marshall
These reports contain the codes for Lodgings and “Process Only” (book and release) records. A book and release is where someone was given a ticket with a date to appear in court. After appearing in court they are given a date and time to come to the jail to have their fingerprints and photo taken in the the lobby. There are some serious crimes that are also handled this way due to various circumstances.
HMDT: Home Detention the person is sentenced and has gone through the HMDT office to qualify and pays to do there time out of jail.
CMT: People who have been sentenced and will now spend there time in jail or at the transition center after reporting to jail first.
BAIL: The state of Oregon does not have Bail Bondsmen so the court accepts 10% of the charge. After hours there is a machine in the Jail Lobby that accepts cash, credit, debit. When a person is first lodged all charges are No Bail until they see a Judge.
NOT FILED: Some charges are seen twice, where it says “Not Filed” and those are ones where the District Attorney will increase or decrease the level of the charges. Others are where the Probation Officer comes in to determine the amount of days the person is going to spend on their probation charge, and the person refuses to accept it, it is then up to the judge to make a decision.
Most CUSTODY VIOLATORS are people who left the Community Justice Transition Center or caused problems there and were returned to jail to serve the rest of their time.